Conference presentations

Published (News)

This week, we are at the 13th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, with several contributions from FRIC! Here are the titles of the work being presented, with links to where you may find more info:

- Invited key note lecture by Anne Steen-Hansen et al: Learning from fire investigations and research – A Norwegian perspective on moving from a reactive to a proactive fire safety management. FRIC project 1.2. (

- Presentation by Ragni Fjellgaard Mikalsen et al: Fires in waste facilities: Challenges and solutions from a Scandinavian perspective. FRIC project 2.2. (

- Poster by Christoph Meraner et al: Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Smoldering in Granular Biomass Fuel Beds. FRIC project 2.2. (

- Poster by Ragni Fjellgaard Mikalsen et al: Field work knowledge exchange between fire service and researchers – closing the gap. FRIC project 4.1. (

- Presentation by Anne Steen-Hansen on digitalisation and sustainability in education, at the pre-conference Education Workshop on April 20th.

If you have questions or input, please do not hesitate to contact any of the authors!